
brand new : keitana

A new baby is like the beginning of all things—wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities. Eda J. Le Shan
margarita, your granddaughter is every bit as beautiful as her mother, whose beauty obviously was inherited from you.  in due time, keitana will boast about her spirited, handsome grandma rita who gave her the world on a silver platter. thanks again for trusting me with her images.  xox


brand new : regina

A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on.  Carl Sandburg                                     
it's my favorite kind of session.  the one when neither parent nor i are fixated on a look, a style, or pose.  with each unfettered movement, our shoot unfolds organically. regina reminds me so much of my daughter when my girl was brand new--from her fuzzy shoulders to her gentle head of hair to her curious deep brown eyes.  dearest baby gina:  you are a child of God, and He has sent you here.

thank you, tai and ray, for sharing regina with me. it had been some time since i made pictures of anyone, and your sweet girl was the very inspiration i needed to get moving again. she is absolute perfection wrapped in a warm blanket. xox


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